Friday, 24 August 2012

the people we love

our betty
we love all sorts of people for many reasons, family, Friends, husbands, wives, children, aunties, uncles cousins, Nana's, grandpa's, mums, dads, the list just goes on.
but people make an in print on out souls, minds and lives, and some times we want to honour them in some way.
so this week i just wanted to make something to remember my Nana, some one who left a big sense of style on me, something to say thank you for being who you where, and that i will always remember you, and thank you you for giving me wonderful memories

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

rizzi also known as the sea urchin

I'm always busy looking at on line craft projects and ideas, its amazing to see how many cleaver projects people come up with, i don't make even half of the things that i look at, but i enjoy the inspiration that comes from them, new colour combinations, textures, patterns, new materials a new way to look at things.

that's when i came across these images!!!! i can't knit or crochet but with i could now

her name is margaret oomen, and i just love these, check out more of her work on purl bee site.

these are some more sea inspired crochet work by rachel, have a look at some of her other work on her site

 and then i was so loving the crochet theme, i found this by helle jorgensen

all so stunning and clear and simple love them all.

Sunday, 5 August 2012

open house

well sometimes you just have to get out there and do things for your self...
and do you know what, that's what I've done. i have been a bit fed up of being in art collectives and going to the opening of the event and being totally disappointed by the lack of depth, fun and intrigue, not to mention the lack of posters. and this is after i have paid money to take part, and then they take a percentage of everything i sell.
so i deiced to break out and create something that really portrays me, something fun, different, friendly, inviting, just offering people to see art in a different way.
so my open house exhibition opens up in one weeks time ekkkkk